Bristol: grace for the people

C.J. Mahaney preaching | photo: JEB

C.J. Mahaney preaching | photo: JEB


A group of 120 church leaders assembled on Thursday 22 September at Headley Park Church, Bristol for the ‘Entrusted with the Gospel’ day conference organised by Sovereign Grace Churches: UK & Ireland.

Old Gezer

Solomonic gate at Tel Gezer | photo:

Solomonic gate at Tel Gezer | photo:


The last few months have seen an extraordinary number of archaeological discoveries that shed light on the biblical record.
As the dust settles (quite literally!) it will become clearer what may have been misinterpreted and what really adds to our understanding of Scripture. But there is no doubt …

Wonderful science

…As the facts of science are uncovered the basis for a totally chance universe seems to be getting smaller and smaller by the day. The world in its rebellion is against God, but the evidence is against the atheist and it will continue to accumulate….

While the church sleeps

Lackadaisical cherubs – detail from Sistine Madonna by Michelangelo | photo: Wiki

Lackadaisical cherubs – detail from Sistine Madonna by Michelangelo | photo: Wiki


Dr Lisa Nolland says we need to take seriously the pan-sexual revolution which is overwhelming our society

Tilehurst launch

ChristChurch Tilehurst launched on 4 September, having first been established as a congregation from Carey Baptist Church in Reading.

Lies for lonely girls

Renée Zellweger as Bridget | photo: IMDB

Renée Zellweger as Bridget | photo: IMDB


It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a single woman in possession of a fit of the blues must be in need of sex.

President Xi Jinping | photo: Wiki

President Xi Jinping | photo: Wiki


The Chinese Government released a set of proposed amendments to its rules regulating religious affairs in early September, showing that President Xi Jinping is attempting to exert even greater control over how religion is practised…

China: religious control increased

Defending the Trinity

Dr John Gill

Dr John Gill


This past summer saw significant controversy on the Internet over the doctrine of the Trinity…

John Newton

John Newton


Marylynn Rouse fills in the background for some of John Newton’s wonderful hymns…

Sweet singer of Israel