The Bible acquitted in court


The acquittal of two Christian street preachers in late June was a victory for the public reading and teaching of the Bible, and for free speech and freedom of religion.

Intelligent Design and the Olympics


On 3–8 July, Professor Stuart Burgess exhibited his Olympic bike work at the headquarters of the Royal Society in London near Buckingham Palace.

Don’t express beliefs…

Sarah Kuteh


“You can’t know in advance whether someone would be offended by a comment.”

Oldham: Church for all

Church members reach out in the open air


…what makes the place so intriguing is that it is home to a very diverse congregation, especially a growing Iranian Christian community fleeing from persecution.

Churches & OFSTED update

Lord Nash | photo: Wiki


An outcry by Christians over plans to register and inspect Sunday schools is forcing the Government to ‘tread carefully’ over the matter, it emerged in mid-January.

Abuse scandal covered up for years

John Smyth

John Smyth


In early February, abuse allegations from the 1970s came to light about a leader at the Iwerne camps, now run by The Titus Trust.

How long have we got?

photo: iStock

photo: iStock


[These] freedoms are now under threat, particularly in the United Kingdom but also in other Western countries. This is a three-pronged attack.

Christians should be free to speak

Prime Minister Theressa May | photo: Twitter

Prime Minister Theressa May | photo: Twitter


The Prime Minister agreed that the ability to ‘speak freely, respectfully and responsibly about one’s religion’ should be a ‘jealously guarded principle’.

Ashers: win for the losers

Colin, Karen, Daniel and Amy McArthur facing the cameras outside the High Court in Belfast | photo: The Christian Institute

Colin, Karen, Daniel and Amy McArthur facing the cameras outside the High Court in Belfast | photo: The Christian Institute


The McArthurs have lost their appeal, but who has come out as the real winners?

Bristol: grace for the people

C.J. Mahaney preaching | photo: JEB

C.J. Mahaney preaching | photo: JEB


A group of 120 church leaders assembled on Thursday 22 September at Headley Park Church, Bristol for the ‘Entrusted with the Gospel’ day conference organised by Sovereign Grace Churches: UK & Ireland.